“Gozaran – Time Passing”

// documentary //

Director: Frank Scheffer
cinematography: Melle v. Essen, Felix Lübbert
90 min, IR/DE/NL 2011

Production: Pieter van Huystee Film

// festival //

Premiere on 19th november 2011 at International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam.
Selected for International Competition – Feature-Length Documentary.

Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht, 27.09. – 05.10.2018

The dream of Persian avant-garde composer Nader Mashayekhi  is to bring modern classical music to his birthplace Iran. His dream becomes true when he leaves his exile in Vienna and becomes the chief conductor of the Teheran Symphony Orchestra. Together with the musicians who are frustrated by censorship he tries to raise the orchestra to the level of the international world of music. The music opens new horizons for the young musicians and gives them new hope and confidence. However after the 2009 elections it’s impossible for the orchestra to make music in Teheran and Nader has to leave the country and go back to Vienna. What becomes of his dream and the young musicians he leaves behind ?